"Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc.â„¢
Dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings."
If you are serving in the military or a veteran we encourage you to become involved in your local Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing program.
Learn more about PHWFF or Locate the PHWFF program nearest you.
International Federation of Fly Fishers
"The Federation of Fly Fishers is a 46 year old international non-profit organization dedicated to the betterment of the sport of fly fishing through Conservation, Restoration and Education."
A national non-profit organization that conducts free fly-fishing retreats for men living with all forms of cancer. Reel Recovery was founded in 2003 by a group of avid fly-fishers, inspired by their fishing buddy’s ongoing battle with brain cancer. Witnessing first-hand the beneficial impact fly-fishing provided their friend, they created Reel Recovery to provide the same opportunity for other men battling the disease.
"stumps R us is a whimsical support group of cheerful cripples who can answer almost *any* question you might have about life without one, two, three or more limbs."
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Help is available through the National Centerf or PTSD, dedicated to research and education on trauma and PTSD. Sudden traumatic events can happen to anyone.
The mission of Casting for Recovery is to enhance the quality of life of women with breast cancer through a unique program that combines breast cancer education and peer support with the therapeutic sport of fly fishing.The concept of Casting for Recovery is unique. On a physical level, the gentle, rhythmic motion of fly casting is similar to exercises often prescribed after surgery or radiation to promote soft tissue stretching.
Find a breast cancer retreat near you.
A non-profit whose goal is to improve the lives of wounded warriors, youth and adults with disabilities by providing sports and recreation opportunities. Disabled Sports USA’s mission is to provide national leadership and opportunities for individuals with disabilities to develop independence, confidence, and fitness through participation in community sports, recreation and educational programs.Disabilities include those with visual impairments, amputations, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, head injury, cerebral palsy, other neuromuscular/orthopedic conditions, autism and related intellectual disabilities. 46 Adaptive Sports to Choose From!
Today, almost 2 million Americans have experienced amputations or were born with limb difference. Another 28 million people in our country are at risk for amputation. The Amputee Coalition is the nation’s leading organization on limb loss, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for amputees and their families, improving patient care and preventing limb loss. Read the latest issue of inMotion magazine free.
A global nonprofit organization dedicated to providing fully-functional prosthetic care for individuals who cannot otherwise afford it and raising awareness of the challenges facing amputees. Each year, more than 150,000 individuals join a list of over 4 million existing amputees in the United States. Disease, accidents, birth defects and warfare are the primary causes of limb loss. When a person becomes an amputee, they are faced with staggering emotional and financial lifestyle changes.
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD)
Founded in 1999, the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is a public health practice and resource center on health promotion for people with disability. NCHPAD seeks to help people with disability and other chronic health conditions achieve health benefits through increased participation in all types of physical and social activities, including fitness and aquatic activities, recreational and sports programs, adaptive equipment usage, and more.
American Physical Therapy Association
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an individual membership professional organization representing more than 93,000 member physical therapists (PTs), physical therapist assistants (PTAs), and students of physical therapy.
A non-profit that helps our Nation’s warriors and veterans from all branches of the United States military unwind using the therapeutic qualities of fishing from kayaks. What looks like a day trip of paddling and fishing is in fact something much deeper and long-lasting. Founded in 2007, our unique kayak fishing program allows the participants a chance to decompress from the stresses associated with combat and the physical rigors of rehabilitation. Warriors enjoy these benefits while on guided fishing trips held in local communities around the country.
Military Appreciation Bass Fishing Tournament.
The mission of Salmon for Soldiers is to offer a sense of normalcy and relaxation to our nation's Veterans through fishing. Salmon for Soldiers' fishing opportunities are designed to help reduce stress while creating new relationships with others who love fishing. Our events are designed to accommodate Veterans with paralysis, PTSD, TBI and other debilitating challenges.
Resources for the military community
AbleData is the premier source for impartial, comprehensive information on products, solutions and resources to improve productivity and ease with life’s tasks. We provide a wealth of information to assist domestic and international customers and their family members, vendors, distributors, organizations, professionals and caregivers in understanding assistive technology (AT) options and programs available. AbleData is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Community Living.
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